Alright, I've been working on this "Fionn" story for a bit. And, as I've said, this is what I'm using as a big push for the "I dream about the earth" series (to present it as a more thought out, genuine project). I still intend for it to be used like that, the only thing is that initially I wanted to create a couple of other good episodes along with it using random claymation bits. These would have been really simple, just stuff like planets revolving/rotating, random little creatures in spaces, etc. Is this something that can be accomplished along with making a really good narrative episode?
I see after working on this for a while that I'm going to have to devote quite a bit of time to animating the story. I think I've gotten the hardest part (the quick fight scene) out of the way. Other than this, it's a lot of ambient kind of 'character's interacting' sort of work. The only other complex scene I can think of is when Fionn catches the "salmon of knowledge" out of the river. There was also a paper cutout animation I was going to quickly put together telling Fionn's birth and his father's death; that should be pretty fast and simple though.
But yeah, anyways, my question is to anyone involved with my school or anyone who cares about thesis. Would you be sorely disappointed seeing one really worked out episode with a lot of claymation as apposed to a few episodes with claymation spread out a bit more? Do you think that since it is suppose to be a series it would be stronger if it were spread out among different episodes? If I go with the first option, I would still have footage from the first few bits that I could edit together for some kind of promotional trailer. It would still show that it exists as a series outside of thesis, just not super worked out or as interesting.
Help a brothuh out, dudes!
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