There was a load of green-screen this time, which made everything much more complicated. Especially having to edit down all of the random crap we were saying. I feel like this one started out pretty strong, especially with the blinking noises and the music by Jan Hammer (famous for his work on Miami Vice). Then I started running into a lot of audio trouble, specifically with the mic falling out of place during certain scenes. The framing on some of those shots could have also been a little better.
Initially this episode was going to deal with the relations between light and sound waves. I even have this batch of footage that was taken outside in this awesome dog park, but I didn't use any of it. The only thing left over from that footage was the dog, Manco, sitting in the chair with the tie. There was going to be some talk about the way dogs perceive light and audio, as opposed to humans. So maybe I was aiming a little high for this episode, which is why it took so long to get out. However, I don't regret anything about the episode other than the audio... and maybe the music choice towards the end. I think these short videos work better with a consistent rhythm.
I definitely want to keep pushing these videos to be more clean-cut, and more witty. Less jokes that fall flat haha. I also want more cohesion, as in a sense of place.
I found an entire episode of eyewitness documentaries:
What makes this show so great is that every shot and every little investigation flow into each other, whether through old 90s graphics, or through Martin Sheen's omniscient presence as the narrator. The entire thing builds this fictional place, where you can pull up any bit of information and experience it right in this 3d museum. I mean, it's totally goofy, but that is what totally makes this series.
I don't know how well this concept can mix with being funny, but I'm definitely going to try to give it more a more defining character (not change the character hosting the show, but just explore the tone more). I'm still just kind of reaching out in different directions, hence all of the green screen. If anyone feels compelled to let me know if it's working or not, throw down some phat comments below! Should I focus more on the map room, like I was initially doing?
thanks for checking it out!